Blog Post
Cruise & MADD: Partnering to combat impaired driving
For decades, American communities have struggled to combat the epidemic of impaired driving that has led to hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths and countless injuries. In 2021, there were 13,384 drunk-driving crash fatalities – an average of 37 per day.
Each of these victims is a human being, with loved ones whose lives are forever harmed.
This tragic reality drives the mission at Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and our team at Cruise to safely bring autonomous vehicles to more communities with urgency. We know that our AVs – which cannot drive under the influence, don’t get drowsy, and don’t text while driving – can and will save lives and reduce collisions on the road.
As we continue expanding our driverless service, Cruise is proud to partner with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), one of the nation’s leading advocacy organizations for reducing preventable traffic violence and the tragedies that have long persisted on American roads.
“We are grateful to Cruise for their partnership and inspired by technology’s potential to ensure nobody needs to worry about the potentially reckless behavior of drivers around them. Together, we can create a nation where there are No More Victims,” said MADD National President Tess Rowland.
Drunk driving is a factor in 31% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States. MADD’s vision is a world with “No more victims of drunk/drugged driving.” Cruise knows that world is possible and it’s our joint mission to help achieve it.
The summer months include the three highest road fatality days of the year – Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day – driving home the importance of MADD’s work, and the urgency of this mission.
Our work in partnership with MADD is just beginning, and we look forward to growing our joint impact as our service scales to reach more people and more communities.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Overview of Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes in 2021, April 2023,
National Safety Council, Holiday Traffic Fatality Estimate, 2023,